The first year of a baby's life is like a whole era of evolution, full of amazing moments and spectacular discoveries every day. They are developing their skills, abilities and personality with the speed of light. Have you ever felt this thriving feeling of waking up in the morning and realising your child is not a newborn any more, but a cute young boy or girl? Have you ever stared with amazement at the funny chubby face of your little angel making grimaces? I am sure, right now, you are just nodding your head. Let me capture those unique moments of your child growing up.
Very often parents are eager to photograph their newborns, but then they seem to forget that it is only the beginning of this unforgettable journey. I am a family photographer who enjoys working with a child of any age, for me taking pictures of every important stage of their life is a pleasure. For your little one, the greatest fun begins when they are about 6-9 months old. Once they can sit, they are the cutest models. Spontaneous, unpredictable, but it is such a grateful task to photograph them at this time.
The sitting up sessions are fun for everybody. For the children, because are enjoying themselves in the new environment, but also for parents who can see how beautiful and inspiring their little ones are. Sending smiles here and there, making funny faces and posing unpredictably. And finally for the photographer, who can be inspired in so many different ways during the session, using various backgrounds and new props. And of course the pictures from those sitting up sessions are a great gift for grandparents, relatives and friends!
Please get in touch, message me for any more details, don’t miss out on turning this wonderful time of your little one’s life into a beautiful memory!